Creation & Science
The Holy Scriptures state that we are to muse on the creation of the
Most High as a way to know Him more (Romans 1:20; Job 12:8; 1
Corinthians 15:46; John 3:12; Psalm 143:5; 145:5).
Belief in the creation is the primary example of faith (Hebrews 11:3). Yahshua/Jesus is identified as the Creator (John 1:1-3; Colossians 1:16-17; Hebrews 1:2). He declared that Adam and Eve were at the beginning (Matthew 19:4) and the account of the Flood during Noah's day was historical (Matthew 24:37-39). Peter spoke of those who would deny creation and the Flood as being willingly ignorant scoffers who walk after their own lust (2 Peter 3:5-6).
The Scriptures declare that the natural world is given to teach of the spiritual world (1 Corinthians 15:46; John 3:12) and creation teaches us of the Most High (Romans 1:20).
This page will be dedicated to Creationism. There is a lot of information which will be added to this page as times goes back, Yah willing.
Shadows of Messiah - Creation
Belief in the creation is the primary example of faith (Hebrews 11:3). Yahshua/Jesus is identified as the Creator (John 1:1-3; Colossians 1:16-17; Hebrews 1:2). He declared that Adam and Eve were at the beginning (Matthew 19:4) and the account of the Flood during Noah's day was historical (Matthew 24:37-39). Peter spoke of those who would deny creation and the Flood as being willingly ignorant scoffers who walk after their own lust (2 Peter 3:5-6).
The Scriptures declare that the natural world is given to teach of the spiritual world (1 Corinthians 15:46; John 3:12) and creation teaches us of the Most High (Romans 1:20).
This page will be dedicated to Creationism. There is a lot of information which will be added to this page as times goes back, Yah willing.
Shadows of Messiah - Creation
Shadows of Messiah
The 7 branches of science correspond with the 7 Spirit of God, of which the Messiah carried (Revelation 1:4-5; 5:6; Isaiah 11:1-3).
All things are a shadow pointing back to
Messiah (Hebrews 8:5; 9:24; 10:1; Colossians 2:16-17) who is the Image
of God (Hebrews 1:3; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Colossians 1:15-16).
Colossians 3:11 ...'Messiah is all things and in all.'
Daily Tidbits
Daily Tidbits is based upon sharing Shadows of Messiah throughout the year corresponding with the season. This is a work in progress as only subjects pertaining to Winter and Spring have been written about.
God of Wonders
Answers in Genesis
Kent Hovind - Creation Science Evangelism
A Question of Origins
Fingerprints of Creation
Watch Fingerprints of Creation (Proof Big Bang Theory is a Lie) in Educational | View More Free Videos Online at
Young Age of the Earth
Watch The Young Age Of The Earth in Educational | View More Free Videos Online at
Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution
Evolution and the Fabled Mutations
Privileged Planet
The Case for a Creator
Unlocking the Mystery of Life
The Miracle Planet
Creation and Miracles
Creation is a Scientific Fact
Expelled - Ben Stein
Our Solar System: Evidence for Creation
The Finger of God
Light Speed Data and a Recent Creation
Startling Proofs - Does God really exist?
Questions and Answers - Henry Morris III and Gary Parker
Evidence God Exists
Watch Evidence God Exists (Video2 ) in SciTech | View More Free Videos Online at
What is Truth? - Chuck Missler
Body Codes - Chuck Thurston
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DNA the Bible and the Message of Life
Chuck Missler - Holography
Creation Moments
Creation Nuggets
Daily Creation Moment
Creation Evidence Museum
Institute for Creation Research (Founded by Henry Morris)
Answers in Genesis
Creation Science Evangelism
Biblical Creation Society
Creation in the 21st Century
Alpha Omega Institute
Creation Ministries International
Creation Science Association
Creation Research
Earth Science Association (Fingerprints of Creation)
Wyatt Archaeological Center
Genesis Veracity Foundation
Truth in Science
Was Darwin Right?
Online books
This is a list of recommended books for studying Young Earth Creationism. They are presented in alphabetical order by scientific field. [Note: I do not necessarily agree with everything in this list, but they are topics of discussion within Creationism and therefore are included]
After the Flood by Bill Cooper – European lineage from Noah through Japheth
Bones of Contention by Marvin Lubenow – Human Fossils for the layperson
Buried Alive by Jack Cuozzo – Neanderthal family tells story
The Discovery of Genesis by C Kang and E Nelson – Truths of Genesis hidden in Chinese language
The Hidden History of the Human Race by Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson – Standard human pre-history is wrong
Noah to Abram: The Turbulent Years by Erich A Von Fange – Questions about the Stone Age and the Ice Age.
One Blood by Ken Ham, Carl Weiland, and Don Batten – racisms evolutionary connections
The Puzzle of Ancient Man by Donald Chittick – advanced technology of the past that is unnoticed, hidden, and ignored by secular culture
Secrets of the Ica Stones and Nazca Lines by Dennis Swift – technology of ancient man
Taking Back Astronomy by Jason Lisle
Jason Lisle
Astronomy and the Bible by Donald DeYoung – Question and answer set-up for over 100 questions
Starlight and Time by Russell Humphreys
Taking Back Astronomy by Jason Lisle
How Life Began by Thomas Heinze – refuting the 1953 amino acid experiment
Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome by J. C. Sanford – shows theoretical evidence that whole genome must in fact degenerate over time
The Young Earth by John Morris
John Morris
Is the Big Bang Biblical by John Morris – answers to over a hundred questions on how world came to be
The Early Earth by John Whitcomb
Grand Canyon Monument to Catastrophe by ICR Edited by Steven Austin
The Young Earth by John Morris – understandable geology
Flood Geology by John Woodmorappe
John Woodmorappe
Ancient Ice Ages or Gigantic Submarine Landslides? by Mike Oard
The Frozen Record by Michael Oard – ice cores of greenland and Antarctic
The Genesis Flood by John Whitcomb and Henry Morris hydrology, geology, scriptural framework, paleontology
Studies in Flood Geology by John Woodmorappe
Climates Before and After the Genesis Flood by Larry Vardiman – Numerical models
An Ice Age Caused by the Genesis Flood by Mike Oard
Creation’s Tiny Mystery by Robert Gentry – primordial polonium haloes in granite
Exploding the Big Bang by Joyce Swanson – simple arguments against accidental organization
The Mythology of Modern Dating Methods by John Woodmorappe
Dinosaurs: Dead or Alive? by Phillip O'Donnell
Phillip O’Donnell
After the Flood by Bill Cooper – Dragon stories in Europe
Canada’s Monsters by Betty Garner – [non-creationist author]
Claws, Jaws, & dinosaurs by Kent Hovind and William Gibbons – cryptozoology for young adults
Dinosaurs: Dead or Alive? by Phillip O’Donnell – dinosaurs and man both then and now
Fossil Facts & Fantasies by Joe Taylor – illustrated fossils around world full color
Missionaries and Monsters by William Gibbons – clues to undiscovered species
Monster! Monster! by Betty Garner – [non creationist author] – North American monsters
Shipwrecks and Sea Monsters by Randall Reinstedt – [non-creationists author] monster sightings of California’s central coast
Special Interest
The Bible and Time by D.M. Pabis – discusses the origin of time itself in both physical universe and spiritual realm
Persuaded by the Evidence by Doug Sharp and Jerry Bergman – Christian testimonies of journey to find the biblical truth of a six-day creation
Noah’s Ark – A Feasibility Study by John Woodmorappe – conveys substantive information about the workability of Noah’s Ark and its inhabitants
The Recent Complex Creation,Torah and Science Reconciliation by Roger Pearlman – gives a Jewish perspective with the premise that a recent complex creation is the origins account most consistent with valid science and reality
Refuting Evolution by Jonathan Sarfati
Jonathan Sarfati
General Subjects
The Revised and Expanded Answers Book by Ken Ham, Jonathan Sarfati, and Carl Wieland
Refuting Evolution by Jonathan Sarfati
The New Answers Book 1,2, and 3 by Ken Ham
The Bibilical Basis for Modern Science by Henry Morris – Science and Christianity, Physical-Earth-Life sciences, the Bible is correct and evolution is wrong
Big God vs Big Science by Bill Sardi – Scientific flaws of an old-earth
A Case Against Accident and Self-Organization by Dean Overman – against naturalist approach
Evolution, Creation, and Science by Frank Lewis Marsh scholasticism and origins, kinds-variation-physiology
In the Beginning by Walt Brown – creation and flood, hydroplate theory – comprehensive resource of basics
In the Beginning Was Information by Werner Gitt – science of information, against life forming by natural processes
In Six Days by John Ashton – 50 scientists explain why they believe
Scientific Creationism by Henry Morris – overview of entire subject
The Truth about Creation and Evolution by Robert Knopf – science supporting creation and disproving evolution
Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation by Dennis Petersen – mini-encyclopedia, full color book
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